Wallace Structural Engineers (WSE) is a full-service consulting engineering firm. Founded in 2002, WSE has provided the structural design and contract documents for many types of projects throughout the Southeastern United States & the British Virgin Islands. WSE’s engineers are registered in 11 states and consult with architectural firms, owners, contractors and Homeowner’s Associations.
WSE has extensive experience in manly types of structures, including, cultural, educational, healthcare, hospitality, housing, mixed use, office, religious, retail, site retention and specialty structures. Many of the projects are new structures, however, many of these projects include the renovation of existing structures.
In the past older buildings were routinely demolished. Today, because owners and the public are concerned about conservation and adaptive reuse, older buildings are more likely to be renovated. Many of the design and analysis principals used for new structures also apply to renovated structures. Also, if the cost of new work associated with renovating an existing structure is a substantial portion of the replacement cost of the existing structure, then the existing structure must be made to conform to the requirements of a new building under the requirements of the building code.